The Truth About The Nutritional Benefits Of Eggs

For as long as many of us can remember the egg has been down trodden as a secondary food source. Are the negative claims about this nutritional bombshell true?

eggs, the nutritional benefits of eggs, what is the nutrition content of eggs

Sunday, March 14, 2010

My Favorite Articles

My Favorite Articles

Avoid Ingesting Toxins From Food Coloring

Is Global Warming Our Fault?"

A Low Cost Way of Saving Your Old Hard Drive

Why Grow Your Own Vegetables

How to Save Big Money And Time Growing Your Own Back Yard Garden

Is Our Society Letting Go Of Its Morals?

Truly our morals have been falling away for many years and the major reason is that we here in the U.S. have pushed God aside by not letting him in our hearts. We even believe that He does not exist. We are also losing our ability to use our common sense. Our government cannot make the simple decision that if we concentrate on preventing disease we will not have to spend so much money to care for the ill. We are told by some very wise in this country that: Disease prevention as a national policy is the key to its prosperity.

It seems that many in our country have found a direction which has fostered greed in the business world and we are beginning to see the results. We may still be a generous people as we have been known for in the decades past but it is our government leaders who are losing the original sound moral principals to lead and because we cannot seem to make simple common sense decisions we are losing touch with our original purpose as a nation of principles. We seem to be debating endlessly in our halls of congress that spending money on better health care will solve the peoples health issues when it is totally obvious that a program in all our schools of learning from the earliest school year to the highest levels should be "disease prevention". Our members of congress are being paid by the hard working people that keeps this nation humming while being totally ignored in its needs and desires which are totally against our constitutional rights. We have been told by some top medical experts and even well respected business leaders that "disease prevention" and not "diseased care" is the most economic solution to our ongoing "health care" problems. Some business leaders even say that if our government leaders do not begin making legislative decisions based on simple "common sense" our nation will quickly become a second rate nation and lose our "free world" leadership status.

The original foundations put forth by many of our truly patriotic originators of principles that set forth our directions is slowly being lost. Is it possible that many people from varied nationalities and countries have begun to resent us, not necessarily as a people as many have voiced but our government because of its policies built upon its declining moral structure in recent years?

Friday, March 5, 2010

My History as a Freelance Photograoher

When I was 18 years old I started a partnership with a good[lifelong] friend taking pictures of weddings and quickly developing them to show "proofs" at the reception hall. We didn't make much money because there was usually a hired professional photographer by the bride and groom or their parents, so its not something anyone wants to try first time out.
I soon entered the service in the national guard but ended up spending 2 years on active duty so that put an end to this.
I got married when I returned and worked for top level electronics company for the next 20 years and soon started my own business corporation designing LED [light emitting diode] products and retired early not because I was wealthy but couldn't find a suitable job.
I decided I could take pretty good photos so I started sending some in to who are affiliated with

My Recent Article Writing Links I Have Worked With

I have been writing articles for just over two years. My first was which did not offer monetary compensation but did give me some very good advice on how to write which I found very helpful.
With some internet search on the subject of "article writing for profit" I found and I quickly made some really good friends. Most writers are interesting and friendly people.
More recently, I joined which is very popular with many article writers and I have recently started making decent money from them. Soon after joining I joined, better known as AC. I love this site and would recommend it to anyone. It is not because I have made a big amount of money thus far but of just how they monitor your every article and its daily progress using daily graph updates.
Not long ago I joined and I am working on others, though I am beginning to enjoy the all around publishing procedures on this site. I do not expect to get rich writing articles but one has to think of the bright side.

A Little Bio And Some History

I am retired married with three grown [male] children and I miss gardening so I decided to bring the garden indoors, year round. I also write about what I do growing herbs and for now, some vegetables.
I love reading, especially the Bible which enlightens me and gives me strength in everything in my daily life.
I love writing about many different subjects and at least hope it can inspire others who read them.
I love taking photographs and carry a camera with me most everywhere I travel. I try to keep a camera in my car with fresh batteries...a little more difficult. I stay away from turning on my flash and use capture sensitivity settings[ISO] to enable the light I need to take a particular photo no matter the subject ambient light level. True, increasing ISO settings will give a more grainy picture but sometimes it is worth it and can sometimes be adjusted somewhat through a little editing. Flash destroys subjects true colors.
I am a "born again" Christian and try to read the Bible every day.

Lucien Beauley,
known as beauley,